Nordic Gæðingakeppni

Hestamannafélagið Sleipnir í Noregi áætlar að halda Norræna Gæðingakeppni í Biri 13.-15. September 2013. LH mun ekki senda út lið á viðburðinn en hvetur áhugasama knapa til að kynna sér keppnina betur og skrá sig til leiks sé vilji fyrir hendi. Skrifstofa LH mun verða þátttakendum innan handar við skráningu og öflun upplýsinga hvað keppnina varðar.

Hestamannafélagið Sleipnir í Noregi áætlar að halda Norræna Gæðingakeppni í Biri 13.-15. September 2013. LH mun ekki senda út lið á viðburðinn en hvetur áhugasama knapa til að kynna sér keppnina betur og skrá sig til leiks sé vilji fyrir hendi. Skrifstofa LH mun verða þátttakendum innan handar við skráningu og öflun upplýsinga hvað keppnina varðar. Skráningu lýkur 15.ágúst og skal senda skráningar á

Frekari upplýsingar um mótið:
The competition will be arranged according to the rules of Gæðingakeppni except 4.5and 8.1 preliminary rounds (big events) where we will have one at a time and 6.1 (big events) where we will have 7 in the A-final and 7 in the B-final.

Classes :
Gæðingakeppni Pace
A-class P1
B-class P2
Young adults (17-21 ) P3
Teenagers (14-16)

The competition is open for all reg. Icelandic horses 5 years and older (special rules for 5 year olds) and riders from the Nordic countries that are members of Icelandic horse clubs of their own countries.

The number of participants from each country is limited to
Adults : 10
Young adults : 8
Teenagers : 6
Each country will choose their riders among those that have achieved no less than 6.5 in four gait and 6.1 in five gait Sport comp. or 8.00 in Gaeðingakeppni.
All competitions in Gæðingakeppni will take place at a 300m oval track. Preliminary rounds will be performed with one rider at a time riding a full program. Final rounds will be accordingly: directly to the A-final in B-final, where the winner earns the possibility to ride in the A-final.
We will appoint a Nordic champion in all classes individually. Prices in NOK.

Stables: At Biri tracks.
Competition fee: NOK 1500, that incl. entering fee, stabling with hay and sawdust.
Check in: From Thursday 12th of September 2013 at 12 o’clock
Contact at check in: Bjørn Åge Lehne, +47 991 08 009
The events start at 10 o’clock on the 13th of September.
Last date for entering each country’s NUMBER of participants: 15th of August. After this date we will open up for single appliers.
Last date for entering NAMES OF THE HORSES: 26th of August.
Home page will be linked from . More details later.
For further information:
Anne Karine Berger, +47 986 49 176