Euromót: Ný gæðingakeppni í Evrópu

Mynd: Cecilie Langvad Foto

Dagana 2-4. september 2016 mun ný gæðingakeppni fara fram í Herning í Danmörku í anda Landsmóts.

Fréttatilkynning frá mótshöldurum má finna hér fyrir neðan.

A new take on tradition!

Do you want to experience Gædingakeppni like it was originally done in Iceland? In Euromót, tradition meets the amazing horses and riders of today in an exciting event in Herning. Spiced up with tölt and pace competitions, Euromót is destined to position itself as the event of the fall season.

On 2-4. september, 2016 Euromót will be held in Herning, Denmark for the very first time. The founding forces behind this new event in Gædingakeppni competition are the local riding club Náttfari and breeding farm, Stutteri Katulabo; The idea for this event arose because of a will and interest to push the Gædingakeppni competition forward in Europe.

Europe is ready for Gædingakeppni!
“Historically, we have been focused more on the sports competitions in Europe. In Iceland, however, Gædingakeppni is the most widely spread form of competition today,” says Bo Hansen, the owner of Stutteri Katulabo. This is also the form of competition so many of us enjoy every second year during Landsmót! With an amazing interest like that, European riders of the Icelandic horse should also benefit from this competition form, which is known for showing the Icelandic horse at its very best! Traits like spirit and character, form under the rider, and the incredible power that lies within this small horse, are simply expressed better in the free form of Gædingakeppni.

Competition on the straight track
“Normally, when you see Gædingakeppni disciplines, they are shown on the oval track like tölt and the other sports competitions.  At Euromót, we cherish the traditions and proudly state that Gædingakeppni is shown on a straight track, like it was done in the early years of gædingakeppni competitions in Iceland,” Bo Hansen explains.  “Of course, the competition and the horses have developed a lot since then, but it is a good way to nurture the traditions, and keep focus on what Gædingakeppni is known for. Speed, willingness and power in the gaits. Also, it is a clear way to show the difference between the sport competitions and gædingakeppni,” Bo Hansen explains.

The horses and riders will be competing in the classic Gædingakeppni disciplines: Children Class, Teenage Class, Young Adult Class, B-Flokkur and A-Flokkur. Moreover, there will also be tölt disciplines T1/T2 with separate youth classes on the oval track, and pace disciplines: P1, P2, P3 and PP1 on the pace track.

Registration, qualifications and tickets sales
The registration for the event will open on 15. July, 2016 on
To read more about the qualification demands, please visit our website Ticket sales will open on 1. August, 2016 with a very good price on the weekend tickets in pre-sales. The tickets can also be purchased on Keep an eye on our website and social media for more information on this.


For more information about the event or this press release, please feel free to contact our press contact Rikke Olsen at +45 4083 2623 or Bo Hansen, Stutteri Katulabo at +45 20 68 34 30 .