FEIF fréttir - mikið um að vera

- Heimsmeistaramót íslenska hestsins árið 2013 verður haldið í Berlín, Þýskalandi. Nánar tiltekið í Karlshorst. - Fyrsta alþjóðlega FEIF námskeiðið fyrir alþjóðlega FEIF íþróttadómara, þjálfara og reiðkennara (2.og 3. stig) verður haldið 10.-11.apríl 2010 á íslandshestabúgarðinum Lipperthof í Wurz Þýskalandi þar sem hinn virti Gerd Heuschmann mun flyta fyrirlestur. - Evrópumótið á ís 2010 verður haldið 12.-13.mars í Berlín. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á www.icehorse2010.de - WorldCUP 2010 verður haldið 18-.20. febrúar 2010 í Óðinsvé, Danmörku, á sama tíma og árleg FEIF ráðstefna stendur yfir. Sjá fréttabréf á ensku hér fyrir neðan: - Heimsmeistaramót íslenska hestsins árið 2013 verður haldið í Berlín, Þýskalandi. Nánar tiltekið í Karlshorst. - Fyrsta alþjóðlega FEIF námskeiðið fyrir alþjóðlega FEIF íþróttadómara, þjálfara og reiðkennara (2.og 3. stig) verður haldið 10.-11.apríl 2010 á íslandshestabúgarðinum Lipperthof í Wurz Þýskalandi þar sem hinn virti Gerd Heuschmann mun flyta fyrirlestur. - Evrópumótið á ís 2010 verður haldið 12.-13.mars í Berlín. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á www.icehorse2010.de - WorldCUP 2010 verður haldið 18-.20. febrúar 2010 í Óðinsvé, Danmörku, á sama tíma og árleg FEIF ráðstefna stendur yfir. Sjá fréttabréf á ensku hér fyrir neðan: Please find below the latest news from FEIF, the International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations. FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse. More information can be found on our website: www.passionfortheicelandichorse.com or www.feif.org.
FEIF Conference 2010 and Annual Meetings 2010
The invitations to the FEIF Conference 2010 and the Annual Meetings Chairmen, Sport, Breeding, Education and Youth have been published. For further information please contact the FEIF Office (office@feif.org).
Berlin - Host of the World Championships 2013
The World Championships for Icelandic Horses 2013 will take place in Berlin, capital of Germany. The Board of FEIF has honored the application made by our German member association IPZV. The venue is Karlshorst, a location used for other horse sports as well. Close to the city of Berlin, but at the same time enough space for excellent sport competitions, exciting breeding shows and side programs (culture, entertainment, education). The aim is to bring the Icelandic horse to the people of Berlin and - at the same time - bring the passionate friends of the Icelandic Horse to the fascinating city of Berlin. The Board is convinced that all options are there to reach this goal.
Seminar for International Sport Judges, Trainers and Riding Instructors
The 1st International FEIF Seminar for International FEIF Sport Judges, Trainers and Riding Instructors (level 2&3) will take place April 10-11, 2010 in Wurz (D) at Islandpferdereitschule Lipperthof. On Saturday the well known Gerd Heuschmann will be the main guest. This part of the programme consists of his theoretical lecture, practical demonstrations and open discussions. On Sunday the main topic will be: Topline & Shape & Collection. Are those elements sufficiently considered in sport competitions, both in guidelines and practical judgments? The invitation and the registration form are available for download.
European Championships on Ice 2010
Riding on frozen lakes and streams has been a tradition in Iceland for many decades. In Berlin we will once again be honoring that tradition of our horses‘ homeland with icehorse 2010, the European Championships for Icelandic Horses, March 12-13, 2010. More information can be found at http://www.icehorse2010.de/. Participation is open for riders meeting specific qualifications. The registration form is available for download from the FEIF website.
WorldCUP 2010
The WorldCUP 2010 take place February 18-20, 2010 in Odense, Denmark at the same place and time as the annual FEIF Conference. The WorldCUP 2010 is a private organized event supported by FEIF and our Danish member assocaition DI. During the WorldCUP, the spectators will have a unique chance to see a big variety of exhibitions presenting accessories for the Icelandic horseworld, top-sport competitions with more than 80 riders - among them some of the best riders and horses from the last World Championship, presentation of more than 30 first class stallions and two stallions with offspring, a big foal show, lectures with Þorvaldur Árnason about the BLUP system and with Sigurdur Sæmundsson about his experiences in the Icelandic horse world over the last 40 years. The WorldCUP is a new kind of winter event, strongly supporting the vision of FEIF – bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse !
FEIF Events until 23 May 2010
19-Feb     Delegates' Assembly 2010    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 20-Feb    WorldCUP 2010    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 21-Feb    Annual Breeding Meeting    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 21-Feb    Annual Chairmen Meeting    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 21-Feb    Annual Education Meeting    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 21-Feb    Annual Sport Meeting    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 21-Feb    Annual Youth Meeting    Odense    Denmark
19-Feb - 21-Feb    FEIF Conference 2010    Odense    Denmark
12-Mar - 13-Mar    European Championships on Ice    Berlin-Wilmersdorf    Germany
19-Mar - 21-Mar    Breeding Judges Seminar 2010        Iceland
10-Apr - 11-Apr    FEIF Sport Judges and Trainers/Instructors Seminar 2010    Lipperthof, Wurz    Germany
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