Last registration day tomorrow September 28th on the virtual education seminar.

Mynd: Gunnar Freyr Gunnarsson
An event for participants on the virtual education seminar. Here will be posted articles, links and other things related to the seminar.
The seminar costs 80 EUR/12.000 ISK and each lesson is about 2 hours and starts at 19 GMT every evening.
Registration will close on September 28.
Payment needs to arrive tomorrow. After finishing registration an email will be sent with bank informations.
The seminar starts Tuesday, October 5th at 7pm Icelandic time and continues for 5 Tuesday nights. The seminar is aimed towards professionals within the FEIF Education Matrix and can work as your CPD if educated in Iceland, and possibly in other countries, - please check with your member association.
The first speaker is Dr. Hilary Clayton, one of the most respected scientists in the field of research of sport horses, their locomotion, rehabilitation, connection between rider, tack and horse, and more.
Víkingur Gunnarsson is our second speaker, Tuesday October 12th at 7pm Icelandic time. He is an associate professor at Hólar Equine University and teaches for instance Equine locomotion.
On Tuesday October 19th is our third speaker Dr. Andrew McLean one of the most respected scientists in the field of Equitation Science and Equine behaviour Science. He holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, in horse training psychology as well as a degree in Zoology from the University of Tasmania, and teaches at Universities and conferences around the world.
The forth speaker on October 26th same time, is Anja Beran, well known classical rider and instructor who teaches around the world and runs her own training centre in Bavaria, Germany. Anja is known for her inspiring lightness and finesse in training and riding, claiming every horse can learn to be light to the aids.
The fifth evening, November 2nd, will be panel discussions with some well-known professionals within the Icelandic horse world. They each will give a summary of what they took with them from the four lecturers, but also discuss between them different aspects and views, as well as answering questions from the participants.