Panel discussion at the Virtual Education Seminar of LH


After the four main speakers of the conference have finished their lectures, we have the fifth night on November  2nd of panel discussions with well known professionals. The panel speakers will each summon up what they found most important from the lectures, and then answer questions from the seminar participants.  The goal was to have a panel of experts with a broad experience in the sport and culture of the Icelandic horse. In the group we have four countries represented, we have very experienced and successful horse trainers, riding-teachers, sport and breeding judges, national team trainers, world champions, Icelandic champions, Nordic champions and German champions and Landsmót winners but first of all well renowned horse people. This is our panel:

Anton Páll Níelsson, very popular and experienced riding teacher and for many years one of the main teachers at Hólar University. Trainer of a number of national teams on big championships lately, the Icelandic national team at the world championship, successful rider and breeder. Toni, as he is called, has a good perspective on Icelandic riding culture as well as classical and other riding cultures. He is in a constant search for better ways to teach and train.

Árni Björn Pálsson, one of Iceland’s most successful competition and breeding show riders ever. With numerus championship titles in sport, breeding and Gæðingakeppni. He is an educated riding teacher from Hólar university, runs a big training stable who produces one top horse after another. He is currently ranked nr 1 in the world in Tölt T1.

Olil Amble is one of our most experienced trainers, with a long and excellent competition carrier including world champion title, numerous national titles in sport as well as Gæðingakeppni and breeding. She was a gæðingakeppni judge, led the board of Gæðingakeppni-judges and is currently taking actively part in developing Gæðingafimi as well as a part of the FEIF sports committee. Olil is one of the top breeders in the world and always shows up with thoroughly trained horses from her own breeding in a classically inspired riding style.   

Rune Svendsen is an international sport judge, coach, breeder and for many years an active competition rider on international level. He has been in many FEIF committees and taken an active part in the work to develop the sport. With the experience of almost all roles in the Icelandic horse world, he has a rare 360° view of it. With the concern that the sport must be developed right, he is constantly searching for what is the right direction.

Silke Feuchthofen is one of Germans best known mentor. She is level 4 instructor, an international breeding judge as well as sport judge, and the leader of the FEIF education committee since many years. She has been an active and very successful competition rider, with a double World Champion title as well as many national rewards and titles. Silke runs a busy teaching and training stable and you can say education is her passion.

Telma Tómasson will lead the panel discussions and we are all looking forward to a very inspiring and lively night!